Homepage » Program » Contributed abstracts » AO systems and instrumental concepts » Oral talks » ATLAS: The LTAO module of the E-ELT
ATLAS: The LTAO module of the E-ELT

Abstract 306

Submitted by Thierry FUSCO


T. Fusco (1), V. Michau (1), M. Cohen (2), Y. Clénet (3), J. Paufique (4), E. Gendron (3), D. Gratadour (3), N. Hubin (4), P. Jagourel (2), S. Meimon (1), J. Montri (1), C. Petit (1), C. Robert (1), G. Rousset (3)


(1) ONERA ; (2) GEPI ; (3) LESIA ; (4) ESO


The LTAO module (ATLAS) for the E-ELT is an adaptive optics system performing high level on-axis correction of atmospheric turbulence and internal telescope defects, using the adaptive E-ELT equiped with a Deformable Mirror (M4) and a field stabilization Mirror (M5) By using several Laser Guide Stars, ATLAS will increase the sky coverage and compensate for the large cone effect due to the E-ELT size. It will feed several scientific post focal instruments with high spatial resolution images in the near infrared domain. We propose here an overview of ATLAS phase A study. After a detailed error budget analysis and optimization, the main system features will be presented and a preliminary design of the whole module and of each critical sub-system will be proposed. Finally, global system performance and sky coverage will be discussed and compared with other AO systems foreseen for the E-ELT (SCAO, GLAO, MCAO and MOAO).

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