Submitted by Marcel CARBILLET
M. Carbillet (1) & L. Jolissaint (2)
(1) Fizeau, UNS/CNRS/OCA; (2)Leiden Obs./Univ. of Leiden
We will present the Software Package PAOLAC in its first public version. This new numerical simulation tool is simply an embedment of the analytical adaptive-optics (AO) simulation code PAOLA (wich stands for "Performance of AO for Large (or Little) Apertures") within the CAOS problem-solving environment (where CAOS originally stands for "Code for AO Systems" but is now completed with a number of individual "Software Packages" covering a wider area of astronomical-optics-related scientifical topics).
The practical implementation of this embedment will be briefly described, showing how this absolutely does not affect any aspect of the original code whcih is simply directly called from the CAOS interface through ad hoc CAOS modules. Advantages of the "Software Package PAOLAC" with respect to the standard version PAOLA will be enlighted. Comparisons between end-to-end modelling and analytical modelling, thanks to the direct comparison now possible and using the end-to-end numerical AO simulation tool "Software Package CAOS", will be presented.