Submitted by Tim MORRIS
T. Morris, Z. Hubert, R. Myers, E. Gendron, A. Longmore, G. Rousset, G. Talbot, T. Fusco, N. Dipper, F. Vidal, D. Henry, D. Gratadour, T. Butterley, F. Chemla, D. Guzman, E. Younger, A. Kellerer, M. Harrison, M. Marteaud, D. Geng, A. Basden, A. Guesalaga, C. Dunlop, S. Todd, K. Dee, C. Dickson, A. Greenaway
University of Durham; Observatoire de Paris; UK Astronomy Technology Centre; ONERA; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Engineering and Project Solutions Ltd.; Herriot-Watt University
EAGLE is a multi-object 3D spectroscopy instrument currently under design for the 42-metre European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). EAGLE will use open-loop Multi-object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) to provide partial AO correction across a wide (5-10’) field of view. The novelty of this scheme is such that on-sky demonstration is required prior to final construction of an E-ELT instrument. The CANARY project will implement a single channel of an MOAO system on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. The CANARY project is undergoing a phased development plan that starts with demonstration of low-order open-loop AO correction using first NGS then Rayleigh LGS tomography, moving to a demonstration of high-order open-loop AO correction using LGS tomography. This final stage will also include 2 DMs in a woofer-tweeter configuration similar to that of EAGLE when installed at the E-ELT. We describe the requirements for the various phases of MOAO demonstration, the corresponding CANARY configurations and capabilities and the current designs of the various subsystems.