Submitted by Bruno CRÉPY
B. Crépy, J.-C. Sinquin, F. Locre, P. Morin, D. Petitgas, R. Cousty, J.-M. Lurçon, R. Grasser, E. Gabriel, S. Chaillot, S. de Zotti, C. Delrez, P. Jagourel.
CILAS; AMOS; ONERA; Observatoire Paris Meudon; Boostec; Astrium
CILAS proposed a M4 mirror (M4AM) that corrects the atmospheric turbulence at high frequencies and residual tip-tilt and defocus due to telescope vibrations by using piezostack actuators. The design presents a matrix of nearly 7000 actuators (hexagonal geometry, spacing equal to 29 mm) leading to a fitting error simulated by ONERA reaching the fitting error goal. The mirror is held by the positioning system which ensures all movements of the mirror at low frequency and select the focus (Nasmyth A or B) using a hexapod concept. This subsystem is fixed rigidly to the mounting system and permits mirror displacements. The M4 control system (M4CS) ensures the connection between the telescope control/monitoring system and the M4 unit - positioning system (M4PS) and piezostack actuators in particular. This subsystem is composed of electronic boards, mechanical support fixed to the mounting structure and the thermal hardware. With piezostack actuators, most of the thermal load is minimized and dissipated in the electronic boards and not in the adaptive mirror. The mounting structure (M4MS) is the mechanical interface with the telescope (and the ARU in particular) and ensures the integrity and stability of M4 unit subsystems. M4 positioning system and mounting structure are subcontracted to AMOS Company.