Submitted by Roger HAMELINCK
R. Hamelinck, N. Rosielle, M. Steinbuch, N. Doelman
TNO Science and Industry; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
In recent years, new deformable mirror technology is developed by the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Delft University of Technology and TNO Science and Industry. Several prototype adaptive deformable mirrors up to 427 actuators and 150mm diameter, with characteristics suitable for future AO systems, have been developed. The presented design consists of a 100 micron thick, continuous membrane on which electromagnetic push-pull actuators impose out-of-plane displacements. The variable reluctance actuators with +/- 10 micron stroke and nanometer resolution are located in an actuator plate. Latest results of the deformable mirror technology development are presented. These include breadboard testing and a quantitative comparison with other deformable mirrors. A comparison on (inter)actuator stroke, static optical quality and dynamic behavior, scalability, extendibility and costs is presented. Furthermore a large prototype, with dummy actuators and 500mm diameter, is shown to have a first mechanical resonance > 1 kHz.