Submitted by Jose-javier DIAZ-GARCIA
J. J. Díaz García, A. D. González, L. F. Rodríguez Ramos, J. M. Rodríguez Ramos, Y. Martín, J. J. Piqueras
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias & University of La Laguna
ABSTRACT: The advent of Extremely Large Telescopes impose the existence of wavefront correctors to achieve diffraction limited images. The light collection area is more evidently affected by atmospheric turbulences and image distortion is more relevant than in smaller telescopes. AO system where mostly used to improve the performances while now turn to be a real need. Thought the existence of a wavefront reconstructor is mandatory for the next generation of telescopes the requirements imposed for such large apertures are to be examined and the new challenges must be faced. The multiplication factor, in terms of information to be processed and number of actuators to be controlled, in conjunction with the fast response imposed by the atmosphere turbulence variation, determine a new dimension of the technical system. This paper will depict the new scale of the system in comparison with the existing requirements for present telescopes and will show the performances of a zonal reconstruction algorithm (Hudgin) for waveform recovery based on a real implementation on FPGAs.