Submitted by Sebastian RABIEN
S. Rabien (1), S. Esposito (2), M. Lloyd Hart (3), W. Gaessler (4)
(1) MPE; (2) INAF Arcetri; (3) University of Arizona; (4) MPIA
We will present the design of ARGOS, the Laser Guide Star and Wavefront Sensing facility for the LBT, the large binocular telescope. The ground layer AO correction with multiple Rayleigh laser guide stars will enable a wide field of view to be corrected for imaging and multi object spectroscopy. In a second step the planned upgrade to a hybrid Sodium laser in conjunction with the Rayleigh guide stars will push the system to the diffraction limit and allows for MCAO and MOAO implementations. The geometric relations with Rayleigh laser AO on a 8m telescope are comparable to the geometry with Sodium guide stars at an ELT. With the use of LBT’s adaptive secondary mirrors ARGOS is well suited to serve as a pathfinder system for ELT laser guided AO.