Submitted by Aurea GARCIA-RISSMANN
A. Garcia-Rissmann, M. Bec, M. Boccas, R. Galvez, B. Neichel, F. Rigaut
Gemini South Observatory, c/o AURA, Chile
The final phase of integration of all optical components and their integration and tests on the Canopus MCAO Gemini South bench is currently underway. We present here a detailed description of the LGS and NGS WFS calibration sequences, implemented through Myst (Mcao Yorick Smart Tool), a glade+python+yorick software package developed in-house which allows multiple users to have access to the bench control through EPICS commands. A fine tuning of the optical setup and a better understanding of the flexure/temperature dependencies is currently underway and will allow us to build the many look-up tables to be eventually used by the system (telescope primary and secondary mirrors, etc..). Preliminary work on non-common path aberrations to account for the static aberrations in the 60 arcsecs science field of view (FoV) has been done iteratively using a science focal plane wavefront sensor and has shown good results both in individual directions as well as simultaneously over the entire FoV, the latter using the tomographic approach (presented in another paper in this conference).