Submitted by Jean-Marc CONAN
J.-M. Conan (1), T. Fusco (1), B. Neichel (2), C. Petit (1), C. Robert (1)
(1) ONERA DOTA HRA ; (2) Gemini Observatory
WideField Adaptive Optics (WFAO) systems for ELTs are currently in their design phase. Depending on the science requirements (corrected FoV, performance level and metric...) several concepts are under investigation: Ground Layer AO (GLAO), Laser Tomographic AO (LTAO) and MultiConjugate AO (MCAO), MultiObject AO (MOAO).
The design of ELT WFAO brings up new issues in terms of modeling and design rules. Based on physical analysis and numerical simulations (Fourier and End-to-End codes), we infer general design rules for these systems: number of GS (Laser and Natural), DMs definition (number, pitch...), tomographic reconstruction (number of layers, precision on turbulence profile...). We particularly outline the similarities and differences between the various WFAO strategies.