Homepage » Oral presentations » Real-time control
Real-time control
  • Fourier transform wavefront reconstruction for the pyramid wavefront sensor - QUIROS-PACHECO Fernando
  • Computationally Efficient Control Strategy for Large Adaptive Optics Systems - FRAANJE Rufus
  • An FPGA Based Computing Platform for Adaptive Optics Control - HOVEY Gary
  • Adapting optimal LQG methods to ELT-sized AO systems - CORREIA Carlos
  • A Split LGS/NGS Atmospheric Tomography for MCAO and MOAO - GILLES Luc
  • A Real-Time Controller Architecture for the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System on the Thirty Meter Telescope - BROWNE Stephen
  • Tomography reconstruction using the Learn and Apply (L&A) algorithm: Simulations and tests results at the SESAME bench. - VIDAL Fabrice